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irc bot造句

  • Beta, your IRC bot seems to be suffering from the same bug.
  • A new class of IRC bot evolved.
  • In 1999, Zetnet hosted the CVS tree for the eggdrop project, an IRC bot.
  • Have the IRC bot synchronize to the channels it's in ( maintain the internal user list ).
  • :: Update : I've now got an IRC bot grepping the recentchanges feed for suspicious edits.
  • It allows you to write IRC bots in bash ( or any other language that allows file access ) ".
  • The common way to send spam is to infect millions of computers with a IRC bot and then command the bot to send your spam.
  • I'll see if I can't get someone to rig me up an IRC bot that will report uses of the template.
  • I will, however, continue to maintain and support User : HersfoldArbClerkBot and its associated IRC bot, which assist the Arbitration Committee clerk corps.
  • There is also latency on the IRC network-does Huggle try to use the same Freenode IRC server ( node ) being used by the IRC bot?
  • It's difficult to see irc bot in a sentence. 用irc bot造句挺难的
  • An additional role of IRC bots may be to lurk in the background of a conversation channel, commenting on certain phrases uttered by the participants ( based on pattern matching ).
  • It's messing up watchlists, and the IRC bot : ) Plus, there's massive consensus in the form of two deletion discussions that were overwhelming keep and some ( little ) talkpage discussion.
  • This information was derived from watching Linkwatcher's ( IRC bot ) output as it sits in [ irc : / / freenode / wikipedia-spam # wikipedia-spam ], a channel on the freenode IRC network.
  • Or you could do what some IRC folks do for-have an IRC bot that monitors the cat for new additions and advertises them in a channel .-- C ) 19 : 23, 8 July 2006 ( UTC)
  • IRC bots are particularly useful on IRC networks such as EFnet and IRCnet without channel registration services, and on networks like Undernet or QuakeNet that require conditions to be met ( minimum user count, etc . ) before a channel may be registered.
  • In addition to being a MediaWiki framework, Peachy also includes various plugins that perform specific tasks, such as an IRC bot plugin, a plugin to interface with a MySQL / PostgreSQL database, a plugin to parse an XML file, a plugin to interface with Email, and many plugins to interface with MediaWiki extensions ( such as SiteMatrix, etc ).
  • An IRC channel, [ irc : / / irc . freenode . net / wikipedia-en-arbcom-clerks # wikipedia-en-arbcom-clerks ], also exists, for informal coordination and discussion of routine business ( and for monitoring the feed of changes to Committee pages from the IRC bot wm-bot ), although it is not ordinarily used for co-ordination today.
  •  We have pretty good coverage of highly technical topics on the Wikitech wiki, but there are very few start to finish tutorials on how to create an account, upload your code, and see your app running, said Davis .  It would be nice to see " my first X " tutorials for different basic projects ( web service, editing bot, IRC bot, etc ) for various languages . 
  • The open source community has created new supporting infrastructure : CLiki is a wiki that collects Common Lisp related information, the Common Lisp directory lists resources, # lisp is a popular IRC channel and allows the sharing and commenting of code snippets ( with support by lisppaste, an IRC bot written in Lisp ), Planet Lisp collects the contents of various Lisp-related blogs, on LispForum users discuss Lisp topics, Lispjobs is a service for announcing job offers and there is a weekly news service, " Weekly Lisp News " . " Common-lisp . net " is a hosting site for open source Common Lisp projects.
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